Sunday, August 12, 2007

The House I Could Call Home

The house is still a work in progress. The first thing I noticed is that it has very small windows in the front and very large windows in the back. I assume this is to aid passive solar heating in the winter and to keep the hot sun out in the summer. The yard is wild, but has awesome potential. There are some herbs and veggies planted in the front and it has a nice small porch with some houseplants hanging outside.

The inside is cluttered. It reminds me a teensy bit of Gilligan's Island Halfway House in Walla Walla, except Beth seems a lot more serious about being a hippy than the Halfway House residents. Lots of happy houseplants and books make up for the concrete floors. The kitchen is spacious and well equipped. My room is small--about the size of my room in Walla Walla. This means I don't really have room for a bed, dresser, bookcase, and a desk. Maybe if I could get rid of the giant dresser that came with the room and trade it in for one that would fit in the closet, I would have room for a desk.

Now to Beth. She has a goatee. It's distracting, especially on someone I don't really know. There, I've said it: the facial hair on my female landlord's chin is distracting. Is that so wrong? I have no problem with it, theoretically. I'm sure I won't even have any practical problems with it once I get to know her, but for now it is distracting. I haven't really interacted with her much at all, so I can't really say much else about her. She seems like an exciting, passionate person from our phone conversations though.

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